Pre Interview Tips

Now I’m sure everyone, supposedly, knows what not to do and what to do when going for an interview. However, I figured I could add my two cents.

Unless you’re one of those individuals who strive under pressure and suffer from no lock ups, memory freezes or other associated issues, then it would be safe to say that most people prefer to be relaxed when attending an interview.

I have a few ideas that anyone can attempt, after you’ve done the traditional neccessary leg work in regards to the interview in question.

No. 1

Make sure you take a trial run. No i’m not talking about the interview process, although having somebody pretend to be the interviewer and asking you questions wouldn’t be a bad idea. No I mean just a day or two before the interview, make sure you go through the motions that you would need to get there. Find out the exact route, and use it, get the bus or other means you might have. See how long it takes, the route, where exactly the office or location is. This way when it comes to the day you get there without any hiccups. Lateness, regardless of the reasons, not only puts on a bad display for the potential employers, but it also stresses you and you may not perform at your best.

No. 2

Unless if you a regular meditator or work out regularly this step might be a bit tricky. So don’t just do a strenuous workout if you haven’t gotten into a routine before hand; it could lead to injury or cramps. Right after a proper workout which raises your heartbeat to an appropriate amount and gets the blood flowing, endorphins and other chemicals are released into the bloodstream that in effect makes you calm and relaxed. A natural high. The effect of this is always evident, at least it is for me.

Meditation on a regular basis enables you to disengage from the worries and stresses of the world and studies have shown people who regularly meditate have enlarged portions of the brain that regulate emotions. [1] Furthermore, meditation leads to better focus and control of emotions, reduced stress, and increased health.

These two methods could alleviate some of the stresses usually associated with interviews, hopefully adding to a well rounded preparation that wisdom prescribes. Good luck.

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